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How GPS invented - m. Store

Apr 30, 2024 / By M. Store / in Vehicle Tracking DeviceGPS Tracker

The Global Positioning System (GPS) was invented through a culmination of efforts spanning decades. Its roots trace back to the early 20th century, with the theoretical groundwork laid by Albert Einstein's General Theory of Relativity in 1916. Einstein's theory predicted that time would pass differently depending on the strength of gravity and speed, a concept crucial for GPS accuracy.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the United States Navy explored the idea of using satellites for navigation. They launched the Transit system, the precursor to GPS, which used a network of satellites to provide basic positioning information. However, it was limited in accuracy and coverage.

The true genesis of GPS came in the 1970s with the launch of the first experimental Block-I satellites. These satellites laid the foundation for the modern GPS constellation. The system was developed by the United States Department of Defense primarily for military applications but was later made available for civilian use.

GPS operates on the principle of triangulation, where signals from multiple satellites are used to determine an exact position on Earth's surface. Each satellite broadcasts its position and the current time, which is then received by GPS receivers on the ground. By calculating the time it takes for signals to travel from the satellites to the receiver, the receiver can determine its distance from each satellite and, consequently, its precise location.

In 1993, GPS achieved full operational capability with a constellation of 24 satellites providing global coverage. Over the years, the system has undergone upgrades and enhancements to improve accuracy, reliability, and functionality. Today, GPS plays a critical role in various sectors, including transportation, agriculture, telecommunications, and emergency services.

The development of GPS revolutionized navigation, enabling precise positioning and timing information worldwide. Its impact extends far beyond military and civilian navigation, facilitating innovations in fields as diverse as surveying, logistics, and personal navigation devices. GPS stands as a testament to human ingenuity and collaboration, shaping the way we navigate and interact with the world around us.